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2022 LISMA Annual Meeting Minutes
Monday, November 14, 2022 6:30pm
Lakeshore Village Club House

Call To Order:  The meeting was called to order at 6:33p by Mike Flynn.  Board members present:  Mike Flynn, Johnathan Hall, Roni Scott, Jake Michul, Kristina Davis, Kenny Hurst,  Deidre Ransdell and Brent Richards

Board members absent:  Carl Walter

Welcome and introduction by Mike Flynn

Quorum Call:  Deidre Ransdell reported that a quorum of attendees and proxies were present.


Approval Of Minutes:  The minutes of the October 2021 Annual Meeting were read by Deidre and approved as presented.


Board Election:  Ballots with information detailing the 3 board positions available for the 2022 election were placed in mailboxes of all Island Neighborhood residents and a total of 38 ballots were returned.  The board positions have been filled and we welcome Nicole Nichols, Darrin Pettit, and Thomas Richards and acknowledge the write-in vote for Jessica Kotter.  Results were approved at the October 24th meeting.


Committee Reports


Gates: Darrin/Thomas – Thomas reminder of app $50 fee.  New cameras have been instrumental in collecting fees if gates are damaged.  No piggy backing!!  Darrin reported FIVE attempted break-ins at his home this year.  Reminder to be alert and slow down going around the curve to 2nd island.


Snow Removal/Social:  Nicole recapped a very successful year full of events lead by Kristina.  They are working together to get ready for snow removal season and reminder to push for salt at intersections and guard houses during winter weather events.


Roads:  Jake will remain on the board as a consultant since he has worked to establish contacts and information for future road repairs.  Budget is holding for total replacement of roads, however, we need to do detailed repairs if we notice pothole issues to isolate the issue and delay complete repaving.


Landscaping:  Roni discussed importance of maintaining the new plants we’ve added this year.  Stump at back gate has been removed, junipers are gone and new pine needles are under pine trees.  Will resume across from Joe Deets home in Spring along with cleaning out dead trees.  Bluegrass Irrigation will be the new company working with irrigation lines.


Commons:  Discussion on sign at back entrance and Edgewater and Island Dr sign, wooden guardrails on causeway need replacing, guardhouse drain near house on causeway needs cleaning, and lighting repairs needed.


Communications:  Kenny reported over 200 members involved with our email and Facebook group.  Discussion on the improvements in communication with all residents and positive comments coming in.



Treasurer's Report:  Brent Richards presented the proposed budget for 2022-23 and explained the fiscal year runs July 1st – June 30th.  Brent presented a summary of yearly income/expenses.  He shared, for the first time, we are fully paid with member dues!  Brent also explained the surplus set aside for road resurfacing in the future.  A copy will be attached to the hard copy of the minutes in the Association files. 


Old Business:  none


New Business

  • Neighbors expressed concern about the trees on the causeway.  Several need attention.  Jonathan asked if LELA may potentially help with cost of trimming causeway trees and we will pursue that.

  • Parking on causeway is a concern for everyone. 

  • Non-residents picnicking and tossing rocks into the lake is not permitted. Discussion on management of security for causeway area continues.

  • Christmas lights will be up for Thanksgiving weekend.


Adjourn:  The meeting adjourned at 7:13pm

2021 LISMA Annual Meeting Minutes
Sunday, October 3, 2021 5:30pm
Lake Clair Ct

Call To Order: The meeting was called to order at 5:41pm by Mike Flynn.

Board members present: Mike Flynn, Johnathan Hall, Roni Scott, Jake Michul, Kristina Davis, Deidre Ransdell and Brent Richards
Board members absent: Brian Mercer and Carl Walter

Welcome and introduction by Mike Flynn
Quorum Call: Deidre Ransdell reported that a quorum of attendees and proxies were present.


Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the September 13, 2020 Annual
Meeting were read by Deidre and approved as read.


Committee Reports

Gates: Jonathan shared details on Brivo pass, 1 per household. To acquire, email Jonathan and pay the $50 one-time fee. He reported we have 8 new cameras at both gates, 2 each way, helping with identifying potential suspects in break-ins, mailbox damage, property damage, etc. Jonathan believes the video lasts more than 1 week but is not certain how far back we can go.

Snow Removal/Social: Kristina reported Hillenmeyer is remaining on contract for snow removal this season. She has gotten positive feedback with food trucks and Mike thanked her for the Kona Ice truck that greeted us at the meeting tonight. Plans in the works for more in the future.

Roads: Jake asked all residents to report any problems noticed with the roads, reminding us we have private roads, not city. We are keeping and eye out and the budget is holding for future resurfacing without assessment. Question about replacing drain boxes and Jake has had no requests to replace at this time but will hear all concerns.

Landscaping: Roni detailed a busy year catching up on much needed updates in several areas. In looking for a maintenance plan, we have changed companies and now work with Landscape Workshop and Bill Hinkle. Roni detailed specific planting changes and removals along with the trimming on causeway. She expressed a hope to have The Island Neighborhood look good and be maintained. Irrigation was put in during the 1980’s and with repairs we replaced numerous sprinkler heads and repaired lines. Everyone complimented Roni on the headway she has made this year.

Commons: Mike reported for Carl the lighting is all functional and we are in the works to pressure wash and clean the outside of both guard houses

Communications: Mike requested we get current email address for each resident to insure communication

Treasurer’s Report: Brent Richards presented the proposed budget for 2021-2022 , the summarized income and expenses from 2020-2021, and explained specific line item expenses and income figures. He reminded all of the dues each year earmarked for reserve as well as the $100 for road maintenance. He explained the monies set aside for road resurfacing in the future. Special Projects budget of $15,000 is set aside each year and this year was used for cameras and gates as well as Landscaping in 2020-21. The Special Projects amount, along with the budgeted amount for 2021-22 of $15,000, was exhausted to get landscaping up to expectations. The Budget was approved as presented and distributed by Brent Richards. A copy will be attached to the hard copy of the minutes in the Association files.

Old Business: No reported

New Business:

  • Mike brought up the Sanitary sewer pump system changes coming to our area. The new pump will be above ground to replace the 30+ year old submerged pump that is a risk to repair, undersized and out of date. Work is scheduled to begin in the 1st quarter of next year and expected to last 3-4 months.

  • Speed in the neighborhood is STILL a concern and we all MUST do better

  • Suggestion for reflective strips or yellow paint on speed bumps

  • Halloween suggestion to close the causeway to traffic

  • Roni noted the great work of Jim Morehead in the boat ramp area

  • Election of new members: Brian Mercer is rotating off the board and,

  • following a quorum of neighborhood votes, Kenny Hurst is the new board member. There was a motion and a second to approve the new board member.


Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 6:17pm

LISMA Annual Meeting Minutes
September 13th, 2020 @ 6:30 p.m.
Island Point Cul-de-sac

Call to Order: President Brian Mercer called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m. Board Members Present: Brian Mercer, Laura Triplett, Brent Richards, Kristina Davis, Mike Flynn, Jonathan Hall, Jane Warner, Trudy Sims and Jake Michul 
Board Member Absent: Jeff Bowers 
Welcome and introduction by Brian Mercer 
Quorum Call: Trudy Sims reported that a quorum of attendees and proxies were present. 


Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the September 29rd, 2019 Annual Meeting were approved as distributed. 

Treasurer's Report: Brent Richards presented the proposed budget for 2020-2021, the summarized income and expenses for 2019-2020 and explained specific line item expenses and income figures. Brent explained about the money that is to be set aside for road resurfacing in the future. The 2020-2021 Budget was approved as presented and distributed by Brent Richards. A copy will be attached to the hard copy of the minutes in the Association files. 

Committee Reports 

Gates: Brian reported that Jonathan is taking over the Board position responsible for Gates. There was discussion about the gate as you exit onto Edgewater malfunctioning. There was also discussion about the Brivo app and that the one-time cost of $50 is well worth the benefit. 

Roads: Jake and Mike reported that they had received a rough estimate for the road repaving and as of today we have the money set aside and we would not have to have an assessment. The quote contained pricing for just repair of the cracks which would leave a snake like pattern which would not be aesthetically pleasing and the Board decided not to go in that direction. There was also a point discussed that prices are predicted to increase in the future and we may consider moving forward with the road resurfacing within 2-3 years. There was also discussion that the speed tables don't really work to slow anyone down. There was also discussion about working on some of the drain boxes that need attention. 

Communications: Mike Flynn discussed how he has been working diligently to collect everyone's email address. Brian complimented him on how great of a job he is doing with the emails and getting information out to the residents. 

Commons: Laura Triplett reported on the purchase of the benches along the causeway. She also reported that the benches will be anchored down because they can be blown over with high winds. She reported on the new and refurbished signage on the entrance pillars and at the back gate as well as new lighting fixtures at the back gate. 

Landscaping: Kristina reported that she has been working with our landscape team to identify special projects. She is also working with them on the removal of a few dead trees and general clean up and landscape improvement. 

Snow Removal: Jonathan reported that we had a mild winter last year and have used the same person for snow removal for many years now. Their prices have remained competitive and they are easy to work with. Brian explained the about the 4 areas that are treated and the process and weather watching that goes into their decision making. 

Old Business: No Report 

New Business: Jane shared an email that reminded residents to leave their porch lights on at night and for neighbors to be considerate of other neighbors when mowing or have contractors working on their home in respect to the time of day, noise level and parking on the street. Brian also reminded walking neighbors to use the left side of the road. 

Election of New Board Members
Brian presented the following for 3 year terms for the LISMA Board: 
Deidre Ransdell 
Roni Scott 
Carl Walter 
There was a motion and a second to approve the new Board members. There was a vote from the floor and the motion passed unanimously. 
Brian thanked everyone for attending and also thanked and recognized the exiting Board members for their service. 


Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 6:58 p.m. 

LISMA Annual Meeting Minutes

September 29th, 2019 @ 6:30 p.m.

Henry Clay High School

Call to Order:  President Brian Mercer called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m.

Board Members Present: Jane Warner, Trudy Sims, Brian Mercer, Laura Triplett, Brent Richards, Scott Carling, Mike Flynn and Jessica Kotter    

Board Members Absent: Jeff Bowers and Jonathan Hall

Welcome and introduction by Brian Mercer

Quorum Call:  Trudy Sims reported that a quorum of attendees and proxies were present.


Approval of Minutes:  The minutes of the September 23rd, 2018 Annual Meeting were approved as distributed.


Treasurer's Report:  Brent Richards presented the proposed budget for 2019-2020, the summarized income and expenses for 2018-2019 and explained specific line item expenses and income figures. Brent explained about the money that is to be set aside for road resurfacing in the future.  The Treasurer’s Report and 2019-2020 Budget was approved as presented and distributed by Brent Richards.  A copy will be attached to the hard copy of the minutes in the Association files.


Committee Reports


Gates: Brian reported that Jeff Bowers was able to negotiate with our gate vendor, Tyco, and a substantial savings will be in effect going forward. There was a question from the floor about how long the cameras were able to archive footage.  Two weeks is the amount of time we are able to retain footage.   Another resident raised concerns over the amount of non-residents that have gate passes since we have to pay for our road resurfacing and the cost of the gates.  There was discussion from the floor about how residents must have acquired those passes for the non-residents and the only way to combat that would be to reissue passes for every household and limit the number.  This will be an on-going discussion for the Board.  There was also discussion on the mobile app for gate entry/exit.  Everyone that is using it is pleased with this technology. 


Roads:  Scott reported that there is a planned repair or removal of a speed table on the way to the 2nd Island.  Scott also reported that the replacement of the timbers on the bridge between the first and second Island will be addressed this coming fiscal year.  There was additional discussion on the bidding process for the repaving and the approximate cost as well as the process required for the best results. 


Communications:  Mike Flynn discussed how he has been working diligently to collect everyone’s email address.  This is the quickest and most cost effective way to communicate Island information.  He also discussed the purchase of the sandwich boards and encouraged residents to stop and take a look for upcoming events and announcements. 


Commons:  Laura Triplett reported that it was a quiet year for commons.  She did see to the repair of the guardhouse after the school bus accident.  There was a question from the floor about the commons expenses from last year.  Laura explained that we had to pay for the repair to the guardhouse and the insurance reimbursement is posted in the next fiscal year. 


Landscaping:  Jessica reported on the removal of the honeysuckle and shrubbery on the causeway due to safety issues. Jessica reported that the leak in the sprinkler system had been fixed and everything is now working properly


Snow Removal:  Brian reported for Jonathan that we had a mild winter last year and have used the same person for snow removal for many years now.  Their prices have remained competitive and they are easy to work with.


Old Business:  No Report

New Business: Jane and Brian informed everyone that MetroNet will be going live in 2 weeks.  MetroNet agreed to pay the Island Board $50 for every household that signed up at the Annual Picnic.


There was discussion from the floor about concern over safety for the children during Trick-Or-Treat.  There was a near accident last year and there was discussion on the best way to address this.  Brian said we would look into implementing safety measures.  He also encouraged all residents to keep their porch lights on at night since our neighborhood doesn’t have street lights.


Election of New Officers

Brian presented the following for 3 year terms for the LISMA Board:

Jacob Michul

Brent Richards

Kristina Davis 

There was a motion and a second to approve the new Board members.  There was a vote from the floor and the motion passed unanimously. 

Brian thanked everyone for attending.

Adjourn:  The meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.

LISMA Annual Meeting Minutes
September 23rd, 2018 @ 6:30 p.m.
Henry Clay High School

Call to Order:  Jane Warner called the meeting to order at 6:37 p.m.
Board Members Present: Jane Warner, Leslie Phillips, Trudy Sims, Brian Mercer, Laura Triplett, Brent Richards, Jeff Bowers and Jessica Kotter    
Board Members Absent: Scott Carling
Welcome and introduction by Jane Warner
Quorum Call:  Trudy Sims reported that a quorum of attendees and proxies were present.

Approval of Minutes:  The minutes of the September 24th, 2017 Annual Meeting were approved as distributed.


Treasurer’s Report:  Brent Richards presented a comparative balance sheet of the budget and actual amounts spent during the year.  Brent explained about the money that is to be set aside for road resurfacing in the future.  The Treasurer’s Report was approved as presented and distributed by Brent Richards.  A copy will be attached to the hard copy of the minutes in the Association files. Brent presented the proposed budget for 2018-2019.  After a brief discussion, the budget was approved as submitted.

Committee Reports
Gates: Jeff Bowers reported that the gates were working well.  There was a question from the floor about the effectiveness of the camera system.   Jeff reported when there are incidents that he is able to go back and look at footage.  There was a case this year that the gate arm was broken and we were able to recover the cost of repair because the camera footage revealed the guilty party.  He reported that we have looked at updating equipment but will keep things as-is for the time being as a cost saving measure and in the hope that technology will improve.  
Roads:  Jane reported for Scott that there is a planned repair for a speed table on the way to the 2nd Island.  She also reported on the rough estimate of the cost of resurfacing the entire neighborhood.  

Communications:  Leslie Phillips discussed the closed Facebook group for Island residents. This can be used by any resident to post pertinent information to share with the neighborhood.  Lost pet information can be posted with pictures.  She also discussed the  new Web page and gave the address, with a password of resident. She reported that this was a great resource for realtors and residents alike.  The Bylaws and restrictions can be accessed by all.  You do need a password for personal resident information.   

Commons:  Laura Triplett reported that the big project this year was that we replaced the street signs with taller posts and larger, reflective street signs.  Feedback has been positive.  There was discussion about lighting the signs, but the cost and disruption to neighbors’ yards was a factor in the decision to just go with the reflective signs.  

Landscaping:  Jessica reported on the irrigation project on Edgewater this year as well as the repair to the irrigation system on the causeway.  Jessica reported that LELA has stated that they will lower the lake in order to complete the boat ramp at the Edgewater entrance.  She has also been working with them to  have a sidewalk completed in that area so pedestrians will not have to walk in the road or grass when traveling through that gate.  


Snow Removal:  Brian reported that the past two winters have been mild and there hasn’t much need for snow removal, thankfully.  We were able to realize a cost savings due to the lack of snow. Brian said we will continue to use Dan Snider and he has been good about communicating with Brian before a predicted snow and the morning of a snow he will look at weather forecasts and make a determination on snow removal based on temperature predictions.  He addressed concerns and welcomed feedback.

Old Business:  No Report

New Business: Jane Warner informed residents about the new cable company, MetroNet, that needed authorization to pull fiber optic cables on the Island.  There is no charge the the neighborhood and then residents have the option to have them connect to their homes at no charge.  Jerome Krumpelman made a motion to authorize Jane to sign the agreement and the motion passed unanimously. Dale Thoma asked about the unsightly signs at the Lakeshore entrance that the city placed there. Jane explained that there was nothing we could do about the signs and they were placed there after the deadly accident that occurred near there last year.    Jane also addressed correspondence from Ronni Scott about the cobwebs at the Lakeshore guardhouse and the outdated light fixtures at the back gate.  She also had comments about the weeds in the common areas and the causeway.  Ronni had suggested raising the dues by $25 per household to address these concerns.  After discussion is was decided that these concerns would be brought up to our lawn service and we would use Home Defense to address the cobweb concerns.  


Election of New Board Members:  The slate for the Board was presented and discussed.  Two current board members, Laura Triplett and Jeff Bowers, committed to another 3 year term and two new Board members, Mike Flynn and Jonathan Hall. agreed to serve new 3 year terms.  Jane has agreed to a non-voting position as Past President.  A motion was made to approve the Board.  The motion was seconded and was approved unanimously.  

Dr. Belin thanked all the board members for their service and contribution to the neighborhood.

Brent thank Jane for her service as President and everyone applauded.  

Jane thanked everyone for attending.


Adjourn:  The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.

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